Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or treat

Tonight we went Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood. It turned out to be a beautiful day. Little William was a pumpkin and Andrew wanted to be Spiderman (or "Spiderman Andrew" as he would say). We went down the main street and back around our block and Andrew made friends with everyone we saw, as usual. It was little over 1 mile, so quite a ways for his little legs, but he did pretty good. Now we have WAY to much candy to eat here!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

to poo or not to poo....

I know everyone will think I am a little nuts, but I have started to put William on the potty when I know he is getting ready to poop. I have been using cloth diapers and it makes life so much easier not having to rinse them out! I have to say that until yesterday, I had not changed a poopy diaper in about a month. It was fabulous...I would put him on the potty every night right around dinner time and he would poop. Easy as that. That is until I jinxed myself. I was bragging to people at work about it and of course he had a poopy diaper the past 2 days. I thought for a minute there I might have had a little genius on my hands! Oh well, I of course am not "potty training" but hey, every little bit counts!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Doctor Appointments

I took Andrew and William for their "well child" checkups yesterday. William is weighing in at 20 lbs, 5 oz. and Andrew is up to 35 lbs. (By the way, for anyone worried that William is too fat, I asked Dr. Lisko if it was possible to over feed him and he said no). The little dude can't help he is a pig. :-) Anyways, they always give me a sticker with their height and weight on it, which I eventually put into a scrapbook. I was looking in Andrew's scrapbook, comparing his stickers to William's, and it turns out William is the same size that Andrew was at his 9 month check up! Andrew better watch out picking on William now, he will catch up fast! I thought just for fun I would show a pick of Andrew at 6 months (in white shirt - couldn't find a picture of him at this age to show all his rolls!) and William at 6 months!