Thursday, October 2, 2008

Doctor Appointments

I took Andrew and William for their "well child" checkups yesterday. William is weighing in at 20 lbs, 5 oz. and Andrew is up to 35 lbs. (By the way, for anyone worried that William is too fat, I asked Dr. Lisko if it was possible to over feed him and he said no). The little dude can't help he is a pig. :-) Anyways, they always give me a sticker with their height and weight on it, which I eventually put into a scrapbook. I was looking in Andrew's scrapbook, comparing his stickers to William's, and it turns out William is the same size that Andrew was at his 9 month check up! Andrew better watch out picking on William now, he will catch up fast! I thought just for fun I would show a pick of Andrew at 6 months (in white shirt - couldn't find a picture of him at this age to show all his rolls!) and William at 6 months!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Andrew was a little chuncky but not like William he weighs the same as Henry!